Richard Marshall

Richard Marshall

Founder and Chairman

Dr. Marshall offers 30 plus years of broad executive leadership experience as a former member of the Senior Executive Service in the federal government having served in the Department of Defense, National Security Agency (legal architect of nation’s first cyber warfare exercise), the White House (Comprehensive National Cyber Security Initiative), the Department of Commerce (Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office), and the Department of Homeland Security (Director of Global Cyber Security Management).

Since retiring from the federal government (Senior Executive Service) he has broadened his executive experience by serving as Chairman of three corporations and on various boards of advisors and directors, CEO of tech startups, Executive Director of a non-profit research center, and Special Cyber Advisor to the government of Moldova.

Founder and Chairman of the Board of CinturionGroup, a global provider of international fiber optic cable communications systems and services delivering high-reliability and high-capacity solutions via the next generation of fiber optic networks. Current project is connecting Europe to India and Singapore through Israel, Jordon, and Saudi Arabia. See

Chairman of the Board of SDSE Networks. Home of SCOUT Providing Software defined Secure Enclave. SDSE (SCOUT) secures and encrypts network communications: each endpoint, every instance, over any device, any place in the world. “Engineered with Stealth, Dark by Design.”

As President of X-SES Consultants LLC, he advocates at the board level, comprehensive sustainable corporate information technology governance programs that foster cost-effective software assurance, supply chain risk management, cyber security awareness training, and procurement strategies.