Patrick Stewart, Colorama, Strelastealer, CVSS scores, CHUDS, Josh Marpet, and more – SWN #372
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1. Patrick Stewart, Colorama, Strelastealer, CVSS scores, CHUDS, Josh Marpet, and more – SWN #372
Patrick Stewart, Colorama, Strelastealer, CVSS scores, CHUDS, Josh Marpet, and more, on this Edition of the Security Weekly News.
Doug White
Professor at Roger Williams University
- 1. Top Python Developers Hacked in Sophisticated Supply Chain Attack
- 2. Microsoft releases emergency fix for Windows Server crashes
- 3. US fines man $9.9 million for thousands of disturbing robocalls
- 4. StrelaStealer malware hits more than 100 EU and US organizations
- 5. Double trouble for DNSSEC though the devil is in the details
- 6. AI turning nuclear power plants into prime DC real-estate
- 7. U.S., Britain sanction China for broad 14-year hacking campaign
- 8. Hackers can unlock over 3 million hotel doors in seconds
Joshua Marpet
Executive Director at Guardedrisk
- 1. AI Malware is real!!!
Ray, a well0used AI framework, has bugs. Of course, everything does!!! But.... If it's not accepted, and not patched, and widely exploited, is it still a bug?