What’s lurking in your phone? How to uncover malicious apps and other app risks – Nikos Kiourtis – BH24 #2
Every mobile device connecting to enterprise assets hosts a unique blend of work and personal apps, creating a complex landscape of innumerable vulnerabilities. Thankfully, methods exist to provide security teams with the real-world insights necessary to proactively address threats and shield against attacks targeting mobile apps and device endpoints. Nikos Kiourtis, CTO at Quokka, shares the latest findings in mobile security, outlining emerging threats and effective measures to reduce your mobile app attack surface – and safeguarding against potential attacks and data breaches.
Segment Resources: - Panelcast with SC Magazine: 8 ways attackers target mobile apps to steal your data (and how to stop them) https://www.scmagazine.com/cybercast/8-ways-attackers-target-mobile-apps-to-steal-your-data-and-how-to-stop-them - Ryan Johnson’s talk at DEF CON 32, “Android App Usage and Cell Tower Location: Private. Sensitive. Available to Anyone?” https://defcon.org/html/defcon-32/dc-32-speakers.html
This segment is sponsored by Quokka. Visit https://securityweekly.com/quokkabh to learn more about their intelligence app solutions!
Nikos Kiourtis is the Chief Technology Officer at Quokka, leading the company’s engineering and research & development teams. Prior to Quokka, he was a Research Assistant Professor at George Mason University and a Guest Researcher at NIST. Nikos holds a Degree in Mathematics, a MSc in Theoretical Computer Science, and a PhD in Computer Science.