Getting Google Scale Threat Detection With Chronicle Detect – Trevor Welsh – ESW #206

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Trevor Welsh
Global Security Strategist at Google

Trevor is a Global Security Strategist with Google Cloud’s Chronicle team. Working with our top accounts, Trevor leverages extensive experience in public sector, financials, retail / logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, and high tech to solve complex security analytics challenges. A former leader with Anomali, and companies like Splunk, ArcSight, and Fortinet, Trevor brings insight, coaching, and a knack for building bridges. Trevor’s security passions include the SOC-Cloud gap, the efficacy of threat intelligence, Hybrid Cloud security automation, data visualization, the blending of ITOps and IT Security, petascale analytics, and threat detection.


Principal Researcher at The Defenders Initiative
Chief Product Officer at CyberSaint
Principal Security Evangelist at Eclypsium