The Insider Threat – Steven Bay – PSW #648

Full episode and show notes


Steven Bay
Director, Security Operations at Security On-Demand

Steven Bay has over 16 years of cybersecurity experience, spanning the military, government, consulting, and enterprise security. For 10 of those years he supported the National Security Agency both as a member of the military and a contractor. In 2013 he hired Edward Snowden to a contract position in Hawaii and was his manager when Snowden fled the country with top secret NSA data. Following this he moved into commercial cybersecurity where he provide IR and Threat Intelligence services to Fortune 500 companies, served as a CISO, and today is the Director of Security Operations at Security On-Demand. He also is keynote speaker where shares his story and lessons learned from his Snowden experience at industry groups, corporate events, and student groups.


Principal Security Evangelist at Eclypsium
Sr. InfoSec Consultant at Online Business Sytems
Product Security Research and Analysis Director at Finite State
Senior Cyber Advisor at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Director of Offensive Security & Research at Trimarc Security, Founder & CEO at Dark Element