Network Security, Threat Intelligence, Phishing

South China Sea nations subjected to prolonged China-linked attacks

Email and cyber security concept. Phishing, hacking, virus and account theft dangers.

Novel Chinese hacking operation Unfading Sea Haze has compromised at least eight government and military organizations across the South China Sea — where China has territorial claims against Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Vietnam, and the Philippines — as part of a cyberespionage campaign that began nearly five years ago, according to The Record, a news site by cybersecurity firm Recorded Future.

Initial network access was achieved by attackers through spearphishing emails that included malicious attachments facilitating backdoor deployment in targeted systems, a report from Bitdefender showed. Other tools were then used by Unfading Sea Haze to hijack admin accounts and further expand network access before distributing stealthy information-stealing malware, said researchers.

Such a development comes amid a Mandiant report detailing Chinese hackers' utilization of a proxy army dubbed "ORB networks," which were regarded by Mandiant Principal Analyst Michael Riggi to be a major Chinese cyberespionage innovation.

"[ORBs are] like a maze that is continually reconfiguring with the entrance and the exit disappearing from the maze every 60 - 90 days," said Riggi.

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