
Does Wi-Fi security matter?

So this may be the first time that I don’t agree with Bruce Schneier (although I’m sure that it will not be the last).  In an article for ZDnet UK, Bruce states, that “”I have a completely open Wi-Fi network, Firstly, I don’t care if my neighbours are using my network. Secondly, I’ve protected my computers. Thirdly, it’s polite. When people come over they can use it.”

Now, I’ve got an open wireless network at home too – is is separate from the rest of my network, because it is polite and cool for all of my geek friends to get access while at my house.  The part I don’t agree with is: “I’ve protected my computers.”  What happened to defense in depth?  Sure, personal firewalls, IDS/IPS, Antivirus, and all that good stuff is good, but what about those risks that you don’t know about?  I’m just not comfortable with putting machines that I do not control/have
responsibility for on my network.  A separate, appropriately firewalled and secured, sure.

– L

Does Wi-Fi security matter?

[UPDATE] – Bruce Schneier Just updated his blog on this issue. I’m sure he is using really good security, including “unsavory men with bitey dogs.” I wish I could deploy that kind!
I think that the whole article might be a misqoute – either way, we intend it to get you to think!

Larry Pesce

A self-professed, lifelong “tinkerer and explorer,” Larry always wanted to know how things work. “I found myself getting to engage in deep dives of technology from an early age: My dad built the family television from a kit, and I helped. It caught fire. Twice. I helped fix it both times.”

The help and advice received from the infosec community throughout his career inspired him to share what he had learned to help others secure their networks and improve their craft. Part of that ongoing sharing has been as the co-founder and co-host of the international award winning Paul’s Security Weekly podcast for more than 19 years.

Larry has spent the last 15 years as a penetration tester, spending lots of time focused on Healthcare, ICS/OT, Wireless, and IoT/IIoT/Embedded Devices, but now focuses his efforts on securing the software supply chain at Finite State.

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