What are the challenges?
Software-only solutions are not going to cut it because every time you think you have a hole plugged, somebody finds another vulnerability. What are your top-of-mind information security issues?We'd like to see more application developers use certificate-based applications. What we're doing now is actually deploying PCs that have trusted platform modules (TPM) in them.
What do you like most about your job?
This is a very exciting time. The trusted platform module is an approach that is different. It's the realization of all the promises of the past to make a PC more secure.Also, we use something here called Document Manager that will encrypt files on the fly.
We can be proactive for the first time now and say, "You know what, you've got a protected system. You can keep the bad guys out."
Tell us more about the Trusted Platform Module.
Any number of the OEMs are distributing them, but specifically Dell brought it to our attention. They're using an open standards approach. There's a group of all the big players – HP, Dell, NEC, IBM -- called the Trusted Computing Group, that got together and created this open standard for trusted platform modules. This is a hugely successful development and something that I cannot wait to see take off.
Any final words of wisdom?
Look for certificate-based applications. Because trusted platform modules are part of our landscape it makes sense to utilize them. IT security pros need to be focused in on the fact that this is the evolving landscape and prepare now for it. We, for instance, are only buying desktops and laptops with the trusted platform modules in them.