Thank you for your support of SC Media’s Women in Cybersecurity recognition program — now in its seventh year. This year’s response to our call for nominations was unprecedented, yielding an extraordinary roster of luminary women who have made groundbreaking contributions to the industry and community.
So much has happened since we last took stock of women’s progress! The pandemic has transformed how we do our jobs and how cybersecurity leaders think about their work, heightening the community’s sense of mission and commitment to values like sustainability and inclusion. (In this sense, your overwhelming response to our call for nominations may have been no coincidence.)
Meanwhile, last year, SC Media became part of CyberRisk Alliance (CRA), a family of enterprises dedicated to keeping cyber professionals connected and informed. The combination expanded and deepened how we engage our community, including by elevating our virtual event-hosting capabilities and launching a new research business.
In all of this we see an opportunity to bring new depth and energy to our recognition of Women in Cybersecurity:
- We’re moving the celebration to the fall, when we’ll host the first-ever Women in Cybersecurity Week, a multi-day online festival featuring a compelling series of conversations with our honorees.
- Our researchers will be tapping the wisdom of the female crowd, conducting a unique survey of their industry and career perspectives and delivering insights in immersive digital formats.
- And we’ll do it all on a bigger stage, with a bigger megaphone, taking full advantage of CRA’s growing platform, and welcoming other industry organizations to join us in sharing ideas and rallying the community.
Details will follow soon. Meanwhile, we welcome your feedback — let us know how you’d like to participate or partner as we launch the industry’s most powerful platform for women in cyber. And keep those nominations coming!
Sincerely, Teri Robinson, Executive Editor, SC Media