Winner: NetWitness for NetWitness NextGen 8.5
In spite of investments in point security solutions, public and private organizations continue to fall victim to advanced and persistent threats from state-sponsored and organized crime groups. Gaps in network visibility and slow response times due to incomplete threat data also create opportunities for rogue insiders to circumvent security controls and corporate policies, and for all forms of designer malware and zero-day events to propagate invisibly. NetWitness NextGen is a new kind of network monitoring solution that uses a full packet capture and session reconstruction infrastructure, combined with network forensics techniques, to provide unparalleled network visibility into content and context of all network activity. With real-time automated reporting/ alerting and interactive network forensics/analytical user applications, organizations can easily and rapidly acquire the knowledge needed to effectively respond to any conceivable network event – internal, external, malicious or benign.
The appliance views security problems as interrelated and and takes a “record once, reuse many times” approach to security monitoring by solving disparate business problems using a singular enterprise infrastructure and extensible application analytical framework.
By capturing all traffic that crosses the network, NextGen offers business intelligence for a variety of personnel: incident responders, who desire visibility into designer malware; fraud investigators, who need to profile the source of data loss within the organization; and auditors, who wish to verify the operational efficacy and functional of specific security controls.
NextGen helps organizations investigate a wide variety of issues, such as who is leaking information to competitors or the press. The tool provides concurrent views into all these problems – or the potential relationships among them.
The product benefi ts from the maturity of 10 years of development invested in the core, patented technology and proven experience with the most demanding government and private sector clients.
Finalists 2009
- Cyber Security Technologies for OnLine Digital Forensic Suite (OnLineDFS)
- LogLogic for LogLogic 4.6
- LogRhythm for LogRhythm 4.0
- NetWitness for NetWitness NextGen 8.5
- Prism Microsystems for EventTracker