
Letter: Online petitions need resources


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How disappointing to see that having taken one small step towardsembracing new technology in the process of democracy, some withinGovernment already want to reverse the progress. The recent incident inwhich the Downing Street website crashed due to the popularity of ananti-road toll petition surely suggests that the free electronicpetition service is a good idea.

Some ministers who dismiss this service as a bad idea have suggestedthat the fact the website crashed supports their position. Not so in myopinion. All this incident points to is the fact that Downing Street'shosting provider was not equipped to deal with demand in our "always on"society.

I'd suggest that Downing Street counts the idea of electronic petitionsas one of its successes and looks into its infrastructure to cope withfuture demands.

Jacques Greyling, MD, Rackspace Managed Hosting.

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