Following the WannaCry attacks, the Shadow Brokers are fulfilling their promises of launching a subscription-based exploit service.
On Tuesday the group began sharing details of the service, which requires subscribers to pay 100 ZEC (Zcash cryptocurrency) or $21,000 per month, according to a report by Naked Security.
The monthly payment won’t be getting subscribers a specific or pre-determined zero day, according to a blog post by the group.
“Monthly dump is being for high rollers, hackers, security companies, OEMs, and governments,” the group wrote. “Playing ‘the game’ is involving risks.”
The group goes on to warn organizations that foregoing the subscription service could end up being more costly. “Question to be asking ‘Can my organization afford not to be first to get access to theshadowbrokers dumps,” the group wrote.
Subscribers that provide the encrypted payment in addition to a “delivery email address” in the “encrypted memo field” will receive a confirmation message between July 1-17 that contains a link and password for the June 2017 dump.