The most recent iteration of the Child’s Play franchise features the murderous doll Chucky as a rogue IoT device gone mad.
The new film’s trailer features Chucky connected to the “Buddi” platform which allows users to control all of their connected home devices including various electronics, toys, and anything else that can be forged into violent ad-hoc weapons and torture devices.
Although the trailer offers no details, Chucky's actions are presumably due to exploiting zero-days purchased from the dark web voodoo lords, Chucky is able to use the platform to control any electronic device necessary to carry out his nefarious deeds.
It's not long before the antagonist uses his new-found cyber powers to wreak havoc by hacking cars, constructing a torture device out of Christmas lights and a tiller, constructing another tourture device involving the manipulation of the HVAC temperatures, and hacking a drone equipped with razor sharp blades.
While it's unlikely the movie will involve the plot-twist of the attacks being carried out by a state-sponsored threat group, the movie could be seen as a warning to not connect things to the internet unless they absolutely need to be, ensure IoT devices are patched, and to avoid purchasing your children serial killer dolls possessed by gangsters.
The latest Chucky is possibly a lesson to be learned and a great reason to bake in cybesecurity from a product's inception.