What happened? An employee of Certegy Check Services, a subsidiary, sold the information to an unidentified data broker, who sold some of it to direct marketing companies.
What type of personal information? 2.2 million records stolen from the Certegy contained bank account information and 99,000 contained credit card information.
What was the response? The Certegy employee, identified as a senior database administrator who had worked for the company for seven years, was fired. Certegy has found no fraudulent use of the personal information. An investigation by the U.S. Secret Service and the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office is ongoing. Certegy has asked marketing companies to stop using the information and has contacted all major credit agencies. The company will notify all affected consumers of the theft.
Quote: “As a result of this apparent theft, the consumers affected received marketing solicitations from the companies that bought the data. We believe that is the extent of any damage to the public,” said Renz Nichols, Certegy president.
Note: Fidelity National Information Services is not related to Fidelity Investments.
Source: “Company says worker stole, sold data,” Washington Post, July 4