Identity and Verifiable Credentials in Cars – Eve Maler – ASW #249

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1. Identity and Verifiable Credentials in Cars – Eve Maler – ASW #249



Eve Maler

Eve Maler is a globally recognized strategist, innovator, and communicator on digital identity, security, privacy, and consent. As an identity and access management pioneer, she has shaped IAM standards and thought leadership for over two decades. In that time she has delivered dozens of mainstage presentations, technical education sessions, and workshops. As CTO of ForgeRock she led its Labs team investigating and prototyping innovative solutions to customers’ challenges. As a Forrester security and risk analyst she advised clients on strategy, industry developments, and best practices for IAM, strong authentication, and API security. Now Eve is on the hunt to take it to the next level.


Tech Lead at Block
Senior Engineering Leader at AWS

2. Zenbleed, Drop in Zero-Days, Security Testing Handbook, Public Speaking – ASW #249



Tech Lead at Block
Senior Engineering Leader at AWS