Integrated Risk Management is the New GRC – Part 1 – Jeff Recor – SCW #18

Full episode and show notes


Jeff Recor
Global IRM Lead at Accenture

Jeff joins Accenture Security from Sargon Solutions, which was Jeff’s third security startup, having successfully sold the previous firms to larger organizations. Before founding Sargon, Jeff created and led the Risk Technology practices at several large advisory and accounting firms over the span of the past 15 years, garnering recognition as the top GRC practice from several analysts. Jeff is an early contributor to the cybersecurity profession, having assisted with creating industry standards and certifications, assisted with the creation of the Michigan FBI Infragard and US Secret Service Electronic Crimes Task Force and helped contribute to The National Plan to Security Cyberspace. Jeff has also been passionate about improving cybersecurity education having created the Information Assurance program at Walsh College and was recognized as the IA Educator of the Year from the National Security Agency in 2003.


Sr. InfoSec Consultant at Online Business Sytems
Founder at Guardedrisk
Chief Product Officer at CyberSaint