Reflex’s IPS100 is loadedwith features. It gives athorough inspection to allnetwork traffic, and can also beused to filter certain traffic. Thedevice operatesinline andexamines forboth external aswell as internalthreats.
Another great feature is its veryclear and organised logging andreporting. The product has severalreal-time screens to show networkand attack traffic in many chartsand graphs. At any time, a reportcan be created for any time period.
This unit, consisting of both aconsole device and separatesensors, broke the mold of othermulti-unit devices. It set up veryquickly and easily with no errorsat all. And after setup, it wasready to go with no additionalconfiguration needed.
The web interface is intuitiveand easy to navigate, and thedevice has the clearest and easilyreadable charts, graphs, and logsthat include all network traffic,attack traffic, and other threats.
The IPS100 passed every test.We had no success either with ourvulnerability scanning tool or ourpenetration tool. It instantly knewit was under attack and blockedall malicious traffic. What’s more,during the attacks, no extra stresswas put on the test network.
Documentation is very clear andcomplete. A simple, easy-to-followquickstart guide makes the initialsetup and configuration fast andefficient. We had the IPS100 out ofthe box, set up, and running in itsdefault configuration in 15 minutes.
Support for the product is itsonly disappointment, a key areawhen IPS products are, by theirnature, complicated and operatein a complex environment. Inaddition, they might be the keyline of defence for the corporateinformation infrastructure.
There is no online supportcentre, but there is free phonesupport, although only duringbusiness hours unless you buy apremium support contract.
The IPS100 is great value. Ataround £5,000 it offers quick andeffective network-wide intrusionprevention: a good investment forany size of company or network.We rate it as our Best Buy in thelarge appliance category.