Just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all you listeners out there. All you guys and gals totally rock and we thank you for listening to our show. We’ve reached new heights thanks to you:
1) We now have 249 members on our frappr map. Keep up the good work! This is also fun for us to see where all of our listeners are from. Next time we travel we may look you up :)
2) We are now technology podcast #89 in the top 100 technology podcasts listed in the iTunes music store! Holy crap Batman, people are listening! All I can say is that is so cool. I also noticed that some other security podcast I had never heard of was ahead of us for a while. Hmmmmmm. So, to move up in the iTunes store we need more listeners, and of course iTunes feedback helps too. So head on over to our iTunes site and let us know what you think!
3) Your feedback lately has been totally awesome. I just received some audio feedback (from out friends at Tech News Radio) that was very insightful, in addition to the awesome questions and often entertaining commentary that comes through our email box daily. The latest one was a parallel between the Bunny Ranch and IT Security. Simply awesome! (Thanks to cutaway, see his blog posting on the subject here)
Everyone also deserves props for putting up with Twitchy, while his technical content is spot on, that comes with well, twitchyness. However, I found the perfect birthday gift for him while reading the latest copy of 2600 and Blacklisted 411 (my two all-time favorite magazines). Send me some email if you want in on it :)
“Hacking is not a crime”