SANS has been kind enough to post a paper that I wrote targeted at the end-user titles “Top Five Tips to Prevent Malware”. I believe it is important to break it down for the end-user into short tips that they can do, which are:
1) Don’t use Internet Explorer For General Web Browsing
2) Run as a non-privileged user
3) Run an Anti-Virus program
4) Use Anti-Spyware tools
5) Patch and upgrade your system often
This paper is a good read for those who do not have total control over the desktop machines in your environment and want something to send to their users, have users who use their home machine to VPN into the office, or to send to friends and family to help keep them from unknowingly participating in botnets.
You can find the paper in the SANS Reading Room in the Special Topics section:
As always, feel free to send me you comments/feedback (paul /at/