Cloud Security

Codenotary launches cloud version of tamper-proof database

Codenotary, a provider of software solutions for Kubernetes deployment monitoring and software supply chain security, announced the launch of immudb Vault, TechCrunch reports. Immudb Vault is Codenotary's popular open-source immutable database, immudb, but offered as a cloud service.Immudb serves as the foundation for most of Codenotary's other offerings by ensuring that data cannot be changed or deleted, only appended. It does so through several cryptographic techniques at a speed of millions of transactions per second, according to the company. This capability guarantees the authenticity of all logs without the need for blockchain technology and its associated complexities. Codenotary launched Vault with immudb version 1.5, which came with improved performance and additional support for new data types as well as JSON ingestion. Immudb Vault has the potential to transform the way businesses store, share and access data securely with cryptographic verification of integrity, said Codenotary co-founder and Chief Technology Officer Dennis Zimmer.

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