Major IT solutions provider SHI International has reported being impacted by a "coordinated and professional malware attack" during the Fourth of July weekend, according to BleepingComputer.
However, the immediate discovery of and prompt response to the attack have helped curb its effect on the company's systems and operations, according to SHI, which was able to restore all shut-down email servers online yesterday morning. SHI also noted that other impacted systems are also in the process of being restored by its IT team.
"While the investigation into the incident is ongoing and SHI is liaising with federal bodies including the FBI and CISA there is no evidence to suggest that customer data was exfiltrated during the attack," said the company.
Moreover, SHI emphasized that the malware attack did not affect third-party systems in its supply chain but added that its clients will be continuously updated regarding its malware attack recovery process.