Viber, a popular social media app, is being targeted by malware capable of stealing photos and videos, according to Symantec.
Beaver Gang Counter, marketed as a score-keeping app for a card game, has been found to be disguising a more nefarious purpose: Embedded code is able to dig through Viber users' media files – where images and videos are stored – and siphon them out to a remote server.
The researchers also deciphered a strategy they said is becoming more prominent: time-delayed tactics. In this scenario, the C&C server is queried to validate if the media files should be stolen, enabling the attackers to manipulate their activity so as to avoid dynamic analysis and Google Play's Bouncer app-vetting service.
The researchers said the information purloined by the malware might be used for identity theft, blackmail, fraud or pornography.
Symantec notified Google and it removed this app and developer from its Google Play marketplace.