Ukrainian hackers were noted by investigative journalism group Bellingcat to be increasingly engaging in leaking data stolen from Russia since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, reports The Record, a news site by cybersecurity firm Recorded Future.
However, pro-Ukrainian hackers are more focused on inflaming the Kremlin and distracting adversaries from more significant operations with their leaks rather than the value of the data, which they leave for interpretation to intelligence agencies and journalists.
"Making sense of mountains of unstructured data is an entirely different ballgame these collectives seem content to simply pass that burden onto anyone else," said Gavin Wilde, an expert on Russia and information warfare.
Belarusian hacktivist group Cyber Partisans has also been giving stolen data to journalists for investigation.
"Hacking large databases is a big responsibility. This data should be protected by the government, but it fell on the shoulders of Cyber Partisans. We were just lucky that it got into the hands of people with the right values," said Cyber Partisans spokesperson Yuliana Shemetovets.