Threat Intelligence, Incident Response, Malware, TDR

Stuxnet-like espionage tool discovered by researchers


A cyberespionage tool uncovered by researchers at Symantec exhibits “rarely seen” characteristics and is targeting governments, businesses, researchers, and infrastructure operators.

The advanced piece of malware dubbed “Regin” was disclosed on Sunday by Symantec's Security Response team and is said to have been leveraged in various spy campaigns aimed at international targets since 2008, according to a recent blog post.

Researchers believe the malware's development may have taken anywhere from months to years to complete and features an array of capabilities depending on the target. Based on the amount of labor put into the backdoor-type Trojan's development, which makes it extremely difficult to detect and exhibits a rare complexity of features, experts believe a nation-state could be behind the campaigns.

Stay tuned for more in-depth analysis and commentary on the Regin cyberespionage tool in an upcoming article from

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