In a survey conducted at the 2016 Black Hat conference, four out of five hackers agreed that Apple was right to refuse the FBI's request for a backdoor into the San Bernardino shooter's iPhone.
Yet 52 percent of respondents said they would help the FBI crack an iPhone's password for a fee, and another nine percent said they would do it for free.
According to the Hacker Survey Report – conducted by privileged account management company Thycotic – 75 percent of respondents said that they strongly believe people deserve data protection, security and privacy (while 100 percent at least "somewhat believe" this). But in contrast to these values, 18 percent of respondents would help the government break into a phone for $1 million or less, while 23 percent would cooperate if the price was $100 million or above.
In a rather bleak outlook, 77 percent of polled hackers said they believe no password is safe from hackers. The survey will be released next week, but was shared in advance with