The biggest security concern for small businesses is undetected malware, according to a survey – conducted by CSID and Research Now – of 505 owners of U.S. companies with one to 99 employees.
Nearly two-thirds, 63 percent, of those surveyed agreed that undetected malware is a security concern, according to the report, which adds that 41 percent found employee errors to cause unease, and 38 percent found the threat of phishing attacks and targeted cyber attacks to be worrisome.
Additionally, 33 percent found the security of cloud-based services, as well as security weaknesses with third-party partners, to be distressing, while 25 percent found the threat of compromised employee credentials to be a concern.
Less than 15 percent found point-of-sale attacks, BYOD, and reductions in security budgets to be distressing, according to the survey.