The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) lost nearly 500 computers over a three-year-plus period from January 2003 to June 2006, according to a recently released audit. The disappearances of 490 laptops were a part of 390 separate incidents that may have affected more than 2,300 individuals, according to the report, which also found that of the 100 laptops currently in use by the IRS, 44 contain unencrypted confidential information.
VeriSign announced that it will raise the price of registry domain names for .com and .net addresses by seven percent in October.
The Mountain View, Calif.-based vendor has the authority to do so through 2012 via a deal inked last December with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). The pact was heavily criticized by some security experts, who said ICANN did not build enough regulatory oversight of VeriSign activities to protect the Domain Name System infrastructure.
A CD containing the personal information of 75,000 customers of New York's Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield was temporarily lost while in the possession of Health Data Management Solutions, a third-party vendor who had sent the disc unencrypted via UPS. Found a day later, the CD contained info and descriptions of services rendered since 2003.
The personal info of 71,000 Indiana state health care workers and the credit card information of 5,600 individuals and businesses was breached by a hacker.
Notification letters were sent to nurse's aides, medication aides and home health aides, warning them to review their credit reports for misuse. The personal information had been stored on a state website.
Two hackers are planning to make April memorable for MySpace security personnel by unleashing a month's worth of vulnerabilities on the social networking site. The pair, known only as Mondo Armando and Mustachio, explained their plans on a LiveJournal post, decrying MySpace for not being upfront about security.
Errata On page 24 of the March issue, we misattributed the photo of Dennis Brixius. It was taken by Ilona Lieberman.
Jim Reavis, president, Reavis Consulting Group, was mistakenly listed in the March issue as a speaker at this month's SC Forum. Speakers at the event include Michael Howard, Microsoft; Maurice Hampton, PWC; Deven Bhatt, Airlines Reporting Corp.; Jim Routh, Depository Trust Clearance Corporation; and John Kirkwood, Royal Ahlod.
Our apologies for the errors.