In the latest installment of SC Media's In Focus video series, Adrian Sanabria and Derek Manky discuss the latest trends and threats. As extortion payments extend well into the millions of dollars, cybercrime operations have matured and third party criminal 'service providers' have flourished. Meanwhile, attackers targeting service providers have given rise to a new trend, where the "chain of impact" is affecting companies with no direct ties to the victim. FortiGuard Labs partners with MITRE and its relatively new Center for Threat-Informed Defense (CTID) on multiple projects.
Derek also shares some positive insights. Defenders in both the private and public space are getting more comfortable sharing intelligence with peers. Also, one benefit of living in a time of frequent attacks and heightened awareness: organizations and executives are eager to learn about the latest cyberthreats and scams, making cybersecurity education a much easier process than it was a decade ago.