When did you first hear about the SC Awards and what prompted you to be a part of the big event?
We first heard about the SC Awards in June, on scmagazine.com. As avid readers of the magazine, it was not difficult to recognize the potential value to be gained from entering IEF into consideration for these awards. What prompted us to be a part of this event was the high level of exposure that SC Magazine could bring to our digital forensics company, as well as believing that we are a strong candidate for the category.
What's a key benefit for entering your company in the SC Awards?
A key benefit for entering our company in the SC Awards would be the potential exposure that our product, Internet Evidence Finder, could gain from winning this award. We also hope to heighten awareness, as Internet Evidence Finder has been able to find key evidence in many high profile cases to bring criminals to justice.
To what other prominent awards ceremony outside of the security industry would you compare the SC Awards?
A similar awards ceremony would be the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Awards, or the PROFIT HOT 50 awards – of which we were just named to the list.
How do you think winning an SC Award would impact the perceptions of your customers toward your products and services?
Winning the SC Award for best computer forensic tool would further increase the credibility behind our product, Internet Evidence Finder.
With readers and industry leaders judging the various SC Awards, how do you intend to tout a finalist spot or win?
Our customers trust our product because it was developed by someone like them, a former frontline professional, who is committed to developing simple, fast, and easy to use tools for forensic investigators. We are confident in our application to SC Magazine because those who use Internet Evidence Finder, high profile clients such as the FBI and the U.S. Secret Service, are confident in the results and continue to use the software for their most important cases and investigations.