San Juan County in New Mexico reported that the information of patients in the county's DWI treatment program may have been compromised after an attacker gained remote access to one of its computers.
How many victims? As many as 12,000 people
What type of information? Names, addresses, and health assessments, treatment and medication information may have been compromised.
What happened? On March 18, hackers gained remote access to a computer at the treatment center for less than 30 minutes. Officials said no information was taken off the system but said the attackers may have viewed the information of patients who participated in the DWI or Axis treatment programs.
What was the response? Those affected are being notified and will be offered free credit monitoring services. The county also hired a forensic firm to investigate the hack. Officials don't expect the cost of response efforts to exceed the county's $50,000 data breach insurance policy. The country urged anyone who may have been affected to call for more information.
Quote: “The privacy and protection of your information is a matter we take very seriously and we sincerely apologize for any concern that this may cause you,” officials said in a breach notice.
Source: Farmington Daily Times, Notice of Breach