EMCOR Services Mesa Energy Systems is notifying an undisclosed number of individuals that their personal information – including Social Security numbers – was on a company laptop that was stolen.
How many victims? Undisclosed.
What type of personal information? Names, addresses, genders, ethnicities, dates of birth, dates of hire, salaries and Social Security numbers.
What happened? A company laptop containing the information was stolen.
What was the response? The theft was reported to law enforcement. Efforts are being made to enhance policies and procedures to minimize the risk of similar incidents in the future. All impacted individuals are being notified, and offered a free year of identity theft protection and credit monitoring services.
Details: The theft occurred around Nov. 25.
Quote: “Although our investigation of this incident is ongoing at this time, we have no evidence that any personal information has been inappropriately accessed or misused,” Mike Cook, human resources director of EMCOR, wrote in the notification to customers.
Source: oag.ca.gov, “Breach letter final,” Dec. 11, 2014.