Help Us! – Application Security Weekly #70
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1. Secure App Deployment With Unikernels –
Ian Eyber is the CEO of NanoVMs. Unikernels are an emerging trend in software deployment because of their isolation, performance and size. However they are still very much new so it's good to learn what benefits they bring and what their current drawbacks are. Listeners might be surprised to learn how many unikernel implementations there are and what organizations are actively using them.
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2. Application News –
SupPy Chain Malware - Detecting malware in package manager repositories, Attacking SSL VPN, Solving Digital Transformation Cybersecurity Concerns With DevSecOps, How I Could Have Hacked Any Instagram Account, Tracking Anonymized Bluetooth Devices and Bluetooth Bug, Enables Tracking on Windows 10, iOS & macOS Devices, 2019 Global Developer Report: DevSecOps finds security roadblocks divide teams and GitLab Survey Surfaces Major DevSecOps Challenges Ahead.
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