…and Other Useless Security Constructs – Robert Bigman – CSP #5

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Robert Bigman
Cyber Security Consultant at 2BSecureLLC

Mr. Bigman is an international cyber security consultant working with Governments and private industry to optimize their cyber security protection measures


Chief Security Officer at Cybereason

Sam Curry is CSO at Cybereason and is a Visiting Fellow at the National Security Institute. Previously, Sam was CTO and CISO for Arbor Networks (NetScout) and was CSO and SVP R&D at MicroStrategy in addition to holding senior security roles at McAfee and CA. He spent 7 years at RSA, the Security Division of EMC as Chief Technologist and SVP of Product. Sam also has over 20 patents in security from his time as a security architect, has been a leader in two successful startups and is a board member of the Cybersecurity Coalition, of SSH Communications and of Sequitur Labs.