How to Get and Stay Cyber Ready – Nick Biasini – RSA23 #4

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Nick Biasini
Head of Outreach, Cisco Talos at Cisco

Nick Biasini’s interest in computers and technology started at a young age when he tore apart his parents’ brand new 486SX PC. Ever since he has been tinkering with computers in one way or another. In his current role, Nick serves as the Head of Outreach for Cisco Talos leading the team responsible for the majority of the published research. Before that Nick was responsible for exposing new details to major threats, with a focus on crimeware. This includes identifying techniques like Domain Shadowing, helping to stop large scale malware campaigns, and revealing clever spam campaigns. Nick has a master’s degree in digital forensics from the University of Central Florida and has worked in both public and private sector positions in the security industry for more than fifteen years.


Senior Vice President, Audience Content Strategy at CyberRisk Alliance