Are We Ever Going to Get Information Sharing Right? – Edna Conway – ESW #252

Full episode and show notes



Edna Conway
VP, Chief Security & Risk Officer, Azure at Microsoft

Edna Conway currently serves as VP, Security & Risk Officer, Azure Hardware Systems & Infrastructure at Microsoft. She is responsible for the security, resiliency and governance of the cloud infrastructure upon which Microsoft’s Intelligent Cloud business operates. She has built new organizations delivering trust, transparency, cybersecurity, compliance, risk management, sustainability and supply chain transformation.

Conway is recognized domestically (U.S. Presidential Commissions) and globally (NATO) as the developer of architectures delivering value chain security, sustainability and resiliency. She was appointed to the Executive Committee of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Task Force on ICT Supply Chain Risk Management. Her insight is featured in a range of publications, analyst reports, and case studies, including Forbes, Fortune, Bloomberg, CIO Magazine and the Wall Street Journal.

An influential speaker and author, Conway has contributed to a number of industry-related books and presented at events/forums spanning industry, government and academia.


Principal Researcher at The Defenders Initiative
Product Marketer and Content Strategist at OX Security
Director of Offensive Security & Research at Trimarc Security, Founder & CEO at Dark Element