Secure Identities with the Power of Modern MFA

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According to a recent survey, despite all the known identity risks and the protection afforded by multifactor authentication (MFA), 38% of organizations still don’t make MFA mandatory for their entire workforce, and 43% say at least 1 in 4 workforce identities are insufficiently secured. When set up right, MFA helps enterprises better protect identities, mitigate risks and secure access for the entire workforce. An increase in frequency, innovation and success in attacks security leaders are looking for the right controls to get the most out of their solutions.

This eBook will help you explore some of the most effective ways to build a strong MFA layer to reduce identity-related risks while kickstarting your passwordless journey.Read the eBook to learn more about:

  • Combining user behavior analytics with MFA to enable continuous authentication.
  • How the same controls used to keep attackers at bay can drive employee productivity.
  • Implementing an authentication assurance level-based – (AAL)-MFA strategy for your organization
Secure Identities with the Power of Modern MFA