The state of identity: Resolving the tug of war between security and user experience

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Our digital identities help us navigate the complexities of an increasingly connected world. From mobile-banking apps, online shopping and social media to video streaming services, patient health portals and AirBnB reservations, digital identities are what make it possible for all these transactions to verify that we are who we claim to be.

Andrew Hindle, head of strategy and content for Identiverse, sums it up best when he says “digital identity is critical infrastructure for the 21st century.”

That infrastructure is now transforming before our eyes.

The death of traditional passwords that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates predicted nearly 20 years ago at the RSA Conference is, in 2023, no longer such a far-fetched dream. Emboldened by recent advances in identity and access management (IAM) standards, the cybersecurity community is making the case that the digital identity industry is ready to grow up.

While a great deal of attention is focused on realizing a passwordless future, there’s much more at play here than simply introducing new IAM solutions. In a post-pandemic world, organizations are rethinking how to secure remote, work-from-anywhere environments populated by increasingly dense constellations made of end users, devices and applications.

To understand why these renovations are essential to survive in this new identity-first economy, CyberRisk Alliance (CRA) conducted a research study of the IT security community from December 2022 through January 2023 with the goal of investigating their plans to advance next-gen identity and access management pursuits.

The state of identity: Resolving the tug of war between security and user experience