Online porn giant Pornhub has taken a more aggressive stance against revenge porn, launching a submission page allowing victims to remove sexually explicit photos and video content posted without consent.
The website said Tuesday that it implemented the submission page “as part of a [sic] institutionalized effort to accommodate victims, and ultimately quell the perpetuating form of online harassment.”
Pornhub's terms of service (NSFW) do not specifically prohibit revenge porn, but the company said it experienced a 38 percent decline of revenge porn takedown requests over the past two years. Its terms prohibit the posting of “content which is illegal, unlawful, harassing, harmful, threatening, tortuous, abusive, defamatory, obscene, libelous, invasive of one's privacy including but not limited to personal information”.
The move is seen as a victory for revenge porn victims and individuals whose private photos and videos may have been obtained by strangers through hacking.