Data Security, Network Security, Threat Management

The Cyber Threat Alliance: Making Cybersecurity Collaboration Work


By Marcos Colon

We recently chatted with two subject matter experts on the importance and benefits of information sharing, but one can’t help but ask if the concept of cybersecurity collaboration across industries and among competitors is working yet.

While it’s a topic that’s been discussed for years, one organization is attempting to close the loop by collecting threat intel from end users, providing it to cybersecurity companies, and giving them the opportunity to bolster product defenses for their customers; The Cyber Threat Alliance.

The organization’s Chief Analytic Officer Neil Jenkins says himself that making information work is a lot easier said than done, but they’re making strides in the right direction.

“Cybersecurity communities are really good at understanding what information they have from a technical indicator perspective,” Jenkins told InfoSec Insider during a recent video interview. “We want cybersecurity companies to share the technical information and then take those and apply them to their products.”

By doing so, the companies would be protecting their customers without their customers having to do anything, he adds.

In this recent interview with Jenkins, he gives us an update on the state of information sharing in 2018 and provides some insight on the steps security practitioners should take if they’re interested in sharing their threat data.


Interested in learning more about this topic and others? Our upcoming IT Security Leadership Exchange is the perfect exclusive and intimate event that offers this opportunity.

 Josue Valencia

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